Phosphorus (P) availability decreases with soil age and potentially limits the productivity of ecosystems growing on old and weathered soils. Despite growing on ancient soils, ecosystems of lowland Amazonia are highly productive and are among the most biodiverse on Earth. P erode...
Autor(es): Corina Buendia. Bjorn Reu. Axel Kleidon. Stefano Manzoni. Amilcare Porporato.
After more than 50-years of armed conflict, Colombia is now transitioning to a more stable social and political climate due to a series of peace agreements between the government and different armed groups. Consequences of these socio-economic and political changes on ecosystems ...
Autor(es): Bjorn Reu. Carlos A. Sierra. Miguel Mahecha. German Poveda. Victor H Gutierrez-Velez. Catalina Gonzalez Arango. Maria C. Londono Murcia. Rodrigo Jimenez.
Old-growth forests are subject to substantial changes in structure and species composition due to the intensification of human activities, gradual climate change and extreme weather events. Trees store ca. 90?% of the total aboveground biomass (AGB) in tropical forests and ...
Autor(es): Bjorn Reu. Daniel Magnabosco Marra. Susan Trumbore. Gabriel Ribeiro. Niro Higuchi. Joaquim Dos Santos. Jeffrey Q. Chambers. Robinson Negrón-Juárez. Frederic Martin Holzwarth. Adriano Lima. Christian Wirth. Vilany M. C. Carneiro.
Earth is home to a remarkable diversity of plant forms and life histories, yet comparatively few essential trait combinations have proved evolutionarily viable in today?s terrestrial biosphere. By analysing worldwide variation in six major traits critical to growth, survival and ...
Autor(es): Bjorn Reu. Sandra Diaz. Jens Kattge. Johannes Cornelissen. Ian Wright. Angela Günther . Valeria Falczuk.